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in Neuheiten, July 19, 2024
Blog, Blue Edition, Wohnzimmer, Wohnzimmerregal, 4x3

Feeling Blue takes on a new meaning with our new Blue Edition!

We can finally introduce you to our blue summer dream: Our "Blue Edition" is guaranteed to put you in a good mood in your home. The color is a real eye-catcher and can still be wonderfully combined with all other furniture and colors.

Blue Edition, Kommoden, Kommode

Whether orange, yellow, pink or green - our Blue Edition is the perfect match. Unlike our colored drawers and doors, it is completely blue. This means that everything shines in this great color, even from the side and from above. Only the back panels are in a light shade of grey, so that the shelving unit still shines brightly at height. The edges are perfectly finished and give the piece of furniture a harmonious overall appearance.

Blue Edition, Titelbild, Wohnzimmerregale, Blue Edition Großes Regal, 3x2
Blue Edition, Wohnzimmer, Wohnzimmerregal
Blue Edition, Bad, Badzimmerregal, Detail, 89

The best thing? The Blue Edition can also be extended at a later date and modified to suit your requirements, as the color will be permanently integrated into our range from now on.

Blue Edition, Flur, Flurregal, 5x4

Visit the configurator to build your new favorite piece,
and experience the variety and good mood that our Blue Edition brings to your home.

Configure now